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Power of attorney to establish companies

Power of attorney to establish companies

2020-09-23/Forms of POA/Legal-Treasures-Templates

A formal public power of attorney

That on the day corresponding to //
Model office
In front of us we are authenticated by the mentioned office.

Mr. / ............................................ - Religion ... .......... - Egyptian national - and holds a national ID card ................................ ................ and resident of ........................... - .... ................ - ..................
I am taken care of
Professor / ........................................... - lawyer and resident of. ............................-.................. -.

This is in establishing companies in all their forms and publicizing them, opening accounts with banks in the name of the company under incorporation, signing all documents and declarations on our behalf and in our name, and representing us before the money companies sector, the General Investment Authority, Free Zones, the Capital Market Authority and The Social Insurance Authority, the Egyptian Authority for Insurance Supervision, the General Organization for Export and Import Control, the tax services of all kinds and their duties, as well as in front of the commercial registry offices, the chambers of commerce, the real estate registry and documentation and all their duties and documentation offices, and receiving all documents And the papers related to that, and our representation before the competent governmental or non-governmental authorities regarding the establishment or amendment of companies. The agent has the right to delegate others in all or some of the aforementioned.
And with what was mentioned, this power of attorney was released in this office, and after it was read to the present in his capacity, he signed it with us and read the attachment.

Certified principal

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